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My skills include audio / video production, music, voice coach, media production, live webcasting, and teacher. Their mindset, "the world should know better, and I'm gonna tell them how wrong they are!"If you want to bring about change in the schools or communities, stop being such a whiny, brooding music fairy and get down to brass tax and show them the money.Don't explain how Mozart can stimulate the minds for a better creative experience and stop there, explain how the creative process can help build their marketing team's creative juices to promote a million dollar campaign. Don't play Charlie Parker and stop at the explanation of improvisation within a 16 chaussures puma bar phrase, explain that limitless creativity can be achieved within boundaries as limitless variations can occur within a single measure of improvisation.Stop being such a lofty music pansy, only speaking to your peers about something we already know. Hey, the vast majority of my articles touch on these points and make no mistake, music is necessary to elevate the individual, but here's the failure of the majority of music advocates...they're preachin' to the choir.For musicians, composers, and music educators, the idea that music is a driving force in the elevation of education is a no-brainer. We know that it increases vocabulary, learning, discipline, creativity, and a myriad of other Tn Requin areas too numerous to mention in a single article, but the one problem that spins the wheels of my fellow music advocates is that they live too much in the right side of their brain and not enough in the left. Music advocates...take your shoes off and wiggle your toes in the sandy beach of business and who knows, you might catch a shark in a suit that wants to be your friend.I have been known at the "Go To" Guru by many people. They're too idealistic and unpractical when it comes to marketing their beliefs. Find out what makes the deep pockets's a hint...MONEY, and how to make more!Individuals in the creative world are much like those in the field of business in the fact that we build our own little borders and seldom cross them for fear of drinking the water in that foreign land. You've heard the schpeal before, how music is good for the brain, how our children need music to be a better person and the like. I take a very no-nonsense, "GET REAL" approach to my crafts and one of my top goals is to take the dreams of individuals and "give it legs" by which to stand.Robert Wimer, the "Go To" Guru Phone: 816 200 7133. Requin TN Nike R4 Cartoon Chaussure Blanc Noir Neuvebasket nike air max tn clear hommes neuf france 2010